This is such an unusual time with guidelines changing almost daily — and the latest guidelines do include acupuncture as an essential service. We have been evaluating our ability to provide acupuncture treatments while maintaining the safety of our patients, staff, and doctors, and we have implemented additional precautions and protocols to minimize risk. Since a number of our patients would continue to benefit from regular acupuncture, Dr. Melissa will continue to provide acupuncture with the addition of the safety measures listed below.
The initial intake part of the visit will be done by phone or video (Zoom is available on smartphones). This intake will take 10-15 minutes and can be done from your car in our parking lot. You will also be screened for symptoms of COVID-19. Once she has completed her assessment of your health concerns to be addressed with acupuncture, and if you have no viral symptoms, Dr. Melissa will escort you into the building. There is a restroom next to the entrance, where you can stop and wash your hands. We are keeping patients out of our main office as much as possible to minimize exposure to our staff. Once we get to the downstairs treatment room, your temperature will be taken, then Dr. Melissa can begin acupuncture treatment. She will wear gloves and a mask during face-to-face contact, per current WSDOH recommendations for practitioners.
We have been and will continue to, implement thorough disinfection of our treatment room between each patient.
After your visit, you’ll want to stop at the restroom again and wash your hands. When you’re back in your car (or back home), call our office at 206-535-8867 to pay your copay/fee and schedule another visit.
Staying healthy is key! Consider acupuncture as a preventative line of defense as well.