Full Circle Natural Medicine offers numerous concentrated services, including acupuncture, ionic foot baths, ozone therapy, celluma light therapy, trigger point therapy, IV therapy, allergy desensitization therapy, and more..
Allergy desensitization - NAET & LDA
We offer multiple options for allergy desensitization, more detail to come soon!
Ozone Therapy
More information to come soon.
Celluma Light Therapy
More information coming soon.
Neural Therapy/Trigger Point therapy
Very helpful for pain relief - stay tuned for more information.
Energy Work
More information coming soon.
IV therapy
Intravenous (IV) therapy is a way of infusing vital nutrients directly into the blood stream, bypassing the digestive system. Absorption is improved and even those with GI dysfunction can be treated in this way. IV therapy can be very beneficial in the treatment of arthritic and degenerative diseases, mood disorders, and as a support to patients undergoing harsh insults to the body resulting from trauma, surgery or chemotherapy.
Constitutional Hydrotherapy
Stay tuned for more information about this treatment.